Friday, May 3, 2013

How to use a Stun Baton

If you are in search of a self defense weapon, a stun gun baton is found to be highly effective and might be used for protection in the home or outside the home, when it can be concealed in a holster. With its long length telescope shaft, the batons are highly desirable weapons for use in many situations and are able to provide simple operation, and come at very affordable prices. If you're ever concerned with your personal welfare, you might well wish to look at the wide range of choices that come with the self-defense weapons, and the stun gun or baton is often found to be one of the most efficient and desirable to use.

Appreciate the qualities of the stun batons
When you are looking at the availability of the stun gun baton, you are likely appreciating the long length of the shaft as a very positive aspect for helping to defend yourself against the would-be intruder. If you were using a regular stun gun, you would need to get right up close and personal to the attacker in order that it may be used, whereas with the baton is long shaft which might be at the length of 12 to 18 inches or more is highly desirable to keep you at arms length at all times. High-quality police batons are highly efficient as a non lethal form of self-defense in many situations.

Deploying the weapon in the most efficient fashion

In order that you may use a stun gun in the most effective fashion possibly, you are generally able to touch the tip of the weapon to any part of the intruders body which should ensure that the right electric shock is provided, and that in turn has the benefit of a immobilizing the person. By relying on the most effective techniques for using the self-defense weapon you are much more likely to set yourself in those difficult times when someone has broken into the property.